Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And the Work goes on....

Our entire family was able to see and talk to Elder Fotu via Skype on Christmas.  It was a wonderful present indeed!  He is looking great and loving every moment of his time in Washington.  He was definitely spoiled for Christmas this year and said he was going to stay out for a few more years because he got more Christmas presents this year than he ever has over the last 18 years (very funny, but all joking aside 2 years without him at Christmas is long enough ;) Thank you especially to the Barber, Modersitzski, Cooper, and Willey families, as well as Mikayla and Grandma and Grandpa for all the care packages!!!  He has truly been blessed with love and strength, and he loves each of you.  


Hello Fotu Family!
It was so great to see all of your wonderful faces over skype! You're all growing up so fast! I wish I would have had all day to talk to all of you individually. I still have a package that I want to send to you guys but I'm not sure when to send it because I forgot to ask if you were spending New Years at Grandma and Grandpa's. I'll send it for sure next week :)
So, I have some pretty crazy news. First off: I have officially finished my training period in the field. 12 weeks. WooOOoo!! Pretty pumped about that. Secondly: We got our transfer calls Sunday night after talking to you guys and I was told that I would be staying but Elder Orr was told he would be transferring :/ We were both so sad that he had to leave. He spent most of Monday packing all of his things. It was kind of depressing. We made a few visits so he could say his goodbyes, but while we were visiting a family we recieved calls from the APs. Elder Orr was called to be a Zone Leader in his new area/zone (which he later found out was Bellevue), and I was called to be a trainer! First thought in my head, "You've gotta be kidding me". Elder Orr was laughing because he knew that I would be training if he got transferred.
So we went to transfers the next day. Elder Orr got his white letter and found out that he would be a Zone Leader in Bellevue. I got my big training packet that had my name and a little white sticker that read "Trainer AND District Leader Responsibilities". First thought in my head, "You've gotta be kidding me!" Elder Orr was ecstatic. I couldn't believe it. I thought there was some kind of mistake. But then I looked through my packet and found a letter that called me to be a District Leader and a Trainer. So....yeah. I'm officially District Leader Fotu now. So crazy.
I have no idea if I'm even cut out for this work load, but there's one thing that I do know: With the Lord, all things are possible. I've been praying so hard for Heavenly Father to give me and strength and the ability to lead my district and my new companion. Speaking of my new companion, his name is Elder Roth. He's from Lehi, UT and is actually really close to the Highland city line. His house is really close to the Smith's. He's a swimmer, there's 6 people in his family, he graduated this year, and he's bringing the thunder to Puyallup and is going to baptize everyone! I'll be sending pictures next week so you can see his face and stuff.
Hope you're all doing so great! I hope you all have a happy New Year and don't party too much without me! Love you all!

Love, Elder Fotu