Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MTC Week 2

Hey everyone!

Sounds like everyone is doing great and the boys are tearing it up on the field! Good to hear that varsity football is still rolling. Tell Jake to get better soon. I'll be praying for him. That's so awesome that Jake got Chase to go with him to the temple and that he had that experience! The temple is so awesome! I actually did a session last Tuesday as well as this morning. The temple is the place to be. I encourage you that can attend to always stay worthy and to go as often as you can! You will be so blessed.
As far as things here in the MTC: Classes are so awesome and I'm learning so much. We leave for Seattle a week from today and I'm sooo pumped because I know the days until then are just going to fly by! I feel like I just got here and I'm already leaving. So crazy. The gospel is such an amazing thing and it's amazing how it changes peoples' lives! I want to share the gospel with everyone now! I can't wait to get out to Seattle. It's going to be epic. Other than that, I love you all and can't wait to hear about everyone's' success! I won't be able to check my email next Tuesday because I'll be travelling and I'm not sure when my P-day will be when I'm up in Seattle. I'll get back to you guys asap.

Church is true! Love ya!

Elder Fotu

*Elder Fotu leaves for Seattle ONE week from today! But would loves to get letters from all his friends and family:)

MTC Week 1

Elder Fotu & his first companion Elder Idom :)

Hey everyone! How was everyone's weekend? Hope it was great. Let me tell you about my first week in the MTC.  Only one word can truly describe my experience here so far: PHENOMENAL! It's been so great here! I've learned so much and it's made me so excited to preach to the people in Seattle! My companion and district elders are awesome!! I've been so blessed to have a positive, fun-going, and downright hilarious district. We all get along so well and are already really close. It's helped so much with the transition of leaving behind our family. We've kind of became our own kind of family. My companion's name is Elder Idom. He's from Tooele, UT and has already been such a great companion. He's very hard working and super dilegent. He's helped me to work on my diligence because it's something that I'm lacking. I'm getting better at it though. People weren't kidding when they said that you're on a spiritual high when you're in the MTC. We had a fireside on Sunday that was so amazing! A district president named President Wilkins spoke and the spirit was so strong. We have a devotional tonight where a general authority comes to speak. Everyone's been saying that it's the Prophet coming this week, but apparently they've said that every week. Our classroom instruction has been so helpful and so meaningful in helping me prepare to serve the people. I know that I'm supposed to be here and I know this gospel is true. The Holy Ghost has witnessed that to me since I've been here. I'm so happy to be a missionary and to be apart of this church! And I want others to feel that happiness as well. The church is true. I love you all. Always remember Him.
Your missionary,
Elder Fotu
p.s. Don't be afraid to write me! I like writing letters so I WILL write you back!
Elder Garrett Blackstone Fotu
MTC Mailbox # 124
WA-SEA 1004
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Big Day. Hugs, Loves, and Goodbyes!

We want to thank ALL those who came out to bid farewell to Elder Fotu.
There were many who came from near and far
to give offer their support and well wishes.
Although there were some who couldn't be with is in person, you were felt in spirit
and we thank you all for your love and strength!

Thank you to the many families who have opened your homes
to Garrett over the years.
Thank you for feeding him, and loving him as your own.
He has been blessed beyond measure with great friends
who have come from great parents.
It truly takes a village to raise a child
and we have been blessed with a wonderful village,
which has raised up a young man ready to serve the Lord.

Big Thank You to the WONDERFUL Hanneman family
for opening their home after both Elder Fotu's and Elder Hanneman's
farewell talks.
Elder Hanneman is going to be and amazing missionary
and will bless the lives of many as he serves in Tahiti.

The food was great, the friends were plenty, and the smiles were contagious :)

Here are a few pictures from the wonderful day.....

As a Family we will keep this blog updated as best we can
as a way for those who may want to follow Elder Fotu's new journey 
over the next few years.
Please feel free to share all your thoughts with us
and we will do our best to pass those on to Elder Fotu.

Much Love,
The Fotu's