Monday, November 28, 2011

Sorrows & Smiles :)

This week our family has felt of deep sorrow 
for a loved one who has passed on.

This woman was full of love and laughter
and was a true example of one who lived a Christ-like life
each and everyday she lived.
Her children and husband continue to be witnesses of that today
and we know that someday 
they will see their mother again.

Out of all the members of our family
Garrett was probably closest to our Auntie Vena
so relaying the news to him was a hard one.
But his strength and courage has been an example to each of us
of the love our Heavenly Father has 
for those who are left behind when a loved one passes on.

The following is a part of the email my Mother sent to Elder Fotu
I felt it helped explain his reply:

Dear Garrett,

We all hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of gratitude and hopefully a baptism to report about over the weekend.  We missed you but are so grateful that you are participating in the most important harvest of all.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

I know that I had to report some bad news a couple of weeks ago with the passing of Aunt Dori but it is even more difficult for me to share this very sad news that is weighing heavy on my heart today and that I know will have a greater impact on you personally (President Bangerter's counsel to share only positive has been echoing through my mind today).  But I have to tell you that Auntie Vena died today (Sunday) in a car accident. She and Kinga and Nar Nar were coming home from a wedding in CA.  Nar Nar was driving and fell asleep at the wheel.  I know this news hits like a ton of bricks . . . as you were probably closer to her than any other member of our family, but I also know that she would not want it to distract you from the Lord's work so promise me you will pray for the strength to carry on in your efforts this week and of course for peace and comfort to be with each of their family members.  

I had a sweet experience yesterday (Saturday).  Dad and I happened to stop by their house and we were visiting with Tony and Kelepi.  As I sat there listening to them chat, three very distinct things caught my attention as I glanced around the living room;  (1) family pictures lovingly displayed on their fireplace mantel (specifically one of Kelepi and Vena), (2) a decorative wall hanging with the words "Families are Forever" and (3) a bountiful sense of peace which pervaded their home.  I am so grateful to have had that experience.  It has brought so much peace to my heart as I have reflected on it over and over the past few hours.

Dad just returned from the hospital and said that Nar Nar and Kinga will be fine.  They had a few cuts and will stay overnight but other than the shock of it all; will be just fine.

As often happens as a result of great tragedy . . . as difficult as it may be . . . some good will come from it. 


Dear Family,

I guess it would be best to start with good news on this end. Jonathan Micheal Haley was baptized on Saturday the 26th and was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sunday the 27th. What a joyous event it was to see the light fill his entire countenance. We are so blessed to be apart of this glorious Gospel and the promises it brings to individuals and families, and we are looking forward to finding others who are yearning for the happiness associated with this Church. 

I don't even know where to begin....I'm going to miss Auntie Vena. The news of the accident literally hit like a ton of bricks. I still don't even completely know how to react. Auntie Vena is one of the most charitable, kind, loving, and selfless people I have ever met. Everything she did in her life was to help others. I can't even remember a time that I've seen her mad. If there was a time, it must not have been for very long. My only thoughts of Auntie Vena are good. I can think of her words when I would walk into the house: "Hello Mr. Garrett! How are you today?" with a big smile on her face every time. I can't even remember a time that she wasn't smiling. She was always so full of smiles, and I'm sure she's still smiling. 

When I first heard the news of the accident, a feeling of sadness overcame me. I didn't even know what to do, but the next thing that came to mind was a talk given by President Monson where he quoted this scripture: Alma 40:11-12 Now, concerning the state of the soul between death and the resurrection—Behold, it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life. And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow. This thought gave me comfort. Because of this Gospel and the knowledge we have because of it, we can always find comfort. Knowing that our families are sealed together for time and all eternity is comfort and peace that can only be found in this Gospel. 

If there was only one thing that I've learned the most over the past year, it would be that everything happens for a reason. Auntie Vena's mission here on earth has been fulfilled, and now, Heavenly Father needs her in the Spirit World to spread the gospel to those who don't have the knowledge that we have. For the rest of her family, all I can say is that it will all work out. I can't say that I know what they're going through right now, because I don't. But Jesus Christ does. His eternal and everlasting Atonement for us not only made it possible that we could be cleansed from sin, but it made it possible that He could know what we're going through so he can comfort us and give us peace through the Holy Ghost. Believe it or not, this event can help their family as well. It can help bring them closer together, learn from it, build from it, be strengthened from it, and be able to move on and live an even better life because of it. If I know Auntie Vena, she wouldn't want anyone to dwell on this and be sad. She'd want everyone to remember her example and strive to be like her. Serve one another. Love one another. Always have charity; the pure love of Christ. Send my love to them. Let them know that they're in my prayers.

I'm glad to hear that Jake is doing well. Tell him to take it easy though. We don't want him to get back on it too fast. Good to hear about Mike and Kerstin and their kids. Can't wait to talk to all of them and everyone at home when Christmas comes around. I haven't been able to write Macay yet, but if you see him before he leaves, tell him I said hi and good luck. Same with Aaron as well.

After this past Thanksgiving, we have much to be thankful for. Always remember to pray and read your scriptures. And most importantly, always remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and that He lives! I love you all.

                                                      Your son, brother, and missionary,

                                                                                     Elder Fotu

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